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Carpenter Ant Control

What is Carpenter Ant Control?

Carpenter ant control is both a preventive and treatment service that anyone can request. At Broadway Pest Control, we offer this service for both commercial and residential properties. Since the ants make a nest in any wooden fixture on your property, it can be extremely tedious to deal with them without contacting a professional service. Pest control agencies offer extensive carpenter ant control in Surrey at a cost-effective rate.

Why Should You Get Carpenter Ant Control Services on Your Property?

Having a nest of carpenter ants on your property can become a headache. Although they are not harmful to the inhabitants of a property, they can create a lot of nuisance for the property owner. An extensive infestation around the house can also lead to weakened wooden fixtures. There are numerous reasons for availing the service of carpenter ant control in British Columbia.

Prevent Extensive Infestation

If you have noticed a small number of carpenter ants on your property, you need to immediately call Broadway Pest Control to take care of the issue. If you leave the issue unaddressed, these nests can slowly spread to various parts of your house. Carpenter ants will not specifically attack humans, but they can make your life difficult by causing disruption.

Pet Protection from Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are not dangerous to most common pets, but their bites can cause irritation to the skin of your pets. They also release formic acid, which can increase the intensity of the pain that your pet might feel. By getting a carpenter ant control in Surrey, you can ensure that all your pets are protected from any potential bites.

Structure of Your House

Since the carpenter ant nests are built inside wooden fixtures, chances are that they might end up affecting the structural foundation of your house. One needs to make sure that they are taking adequate steps to stop the carpenter ant infestation to protect the structural integrity of your house.

Protect the Wooden Furniture

If you have an extensive collection of wooden furniture in your home, carpenter ants can also make their nests inside them. If left unacknowledged, this can cause significant damage to the integrity of your wooden furniture. Carpenter ants can also completely ruin your wooden furniture.

Prevent Future Infestations:

By regularly appointing preventive carpenter ant control in British Columbia, you can ensure that you are preventing future infestations on your property. Despite being harmless, carpenter ants can easily disrupt the flow of life or business on your property. It is imperative to keep a check on any potential nests on your property.

Methods of Preventing Carpenter Ant Infestations You Can Adopt

Carpenter ant infestations can be a hassle to deal with, particularly when you do not have any idea how to effectively handle a spread. If the infestation is extensive, one needs to employ the services of Broadway Pest Control to conduct a carpenter ant control in Surrey.
Meanwhile, you can adopt the following habits to prevent the spread of carpenter ants on your property.

  • If you have noticed the formation of the nest, it is advisable to not let it grow.
  • You can also employ the use of an ant bait in order to trick the ants and poison them. Although this method takes a cruel approach, at times, it is the only possible solution.
  • You can also make sure to remove any food crumbs or open access to stored food items to prevent an infestation of the carpenter ants.
  • One also needs to ensure that there is no structural damage around one’s property. This step ensures that carpenter ants do not gain access to any hidden wooden fixtures.
  • In order to prevent a future infestation, you can also attempt to trim the branches of any flora that might give direct access to your house to carpenter ants.

For any severe infestation, you can call on the services of Broadway Pest Control, one of the leading providers of carpenter ant control in British Columbia. Ensure that your property is free from the infestation of carpenter ants with the help of Broadway Pest Control.

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